On February 14th, 2022 the Belgian Federal Government reached an agreement on the reform of the Belgian labour market which will surely have an impact on doing business in Belgium. Since the national social partners have recently given their advice on the labour deal, we expect the new measures to be implemented into legislation or national collective bargaining agreements in the coming weeks or months.
We will continue to monitor any developments in this regard and we will keep you informed as soon as the measures are implemented.
Should you have any questions in the meantime, please do not hesitate to reach out to Barbara François (barbara.francois@be.ey.com) or Marie-Emilie Truyens (marie-emilie.truyens@be.ey.com).
Navigating the European Deforestation Regulation
Responsabilité accrue pour les administrateurs, les délégués à la gestion journalière, les mandataires, les employés et les sous-traitants des sociétés
Reforming the public procurement regulatory framework?
Prepare your company: the EU’s revised Product Liability Directive brings new challenges
Double tax treaties do not limit the application of the Cayman tax
Embracing the future of product safety: the EU’s General Product Safety Regulation
Wijziging betalingsmodaliteiten bij overheidsopdrachten. Nazicht en betaling zal vanaf 2025 gebeuren binnen een termijn van 30 dagen
Modification des modalités de paiement dans les marchés publics. Révision et paiement devront être effectués dans un délai de 30 jours à partir de 2025
The upcoming regulation on combating late payment in commercial transactions
Een beding van aanwas voor een Spaans onroerend goed
Nieuwe onrechtmatige B2B-bedingen voor supermarktfranchises
Nouvelles clauses B2B abusives pour les franchises de supermarchés
New unfair B2B clauses for supermarket franchises
Newsflash: The AI Act has been published
Transparantie en publiciteit bij publieke vastgoedtransacties: een nieuw wettelijk kader voor Vlaamse overheidsinstanties
Increased liability for auxiliaries (incl. directors, daily managers, employees and subcontractors)
Nieuwe meldingsplicht voor aanbestedende overheden treedt in werking op 1 juni 2024
Une nouvelle obligation de notification pour les pouvoirs adjudicateurs entre en vigueur le 1er juin 2024
Webshops have to offer at least two delivery methods as of September 2024
Non-EU investments screening in Belgium as of 1 July 2023
Een kosmische reis om zwevend vermogen terug te laten vloeien naar België – De Kaaimantaks anno 2024
Les associations de copropriétaires maintenant protégées par le droit des consommateurs
Verenigingen van mede-eigenaars nu beschermd door het consumentenrecht
CODE RED: Articles of Association non-compliant with the code means no publication
Contractual exclusion of commissions for commercial agents
News flash: Een kleine stijging van de patrimoniumtaks, met een grote impact op uw non-profitorganisatie
Flash info: Une petite augmentation du taux de la taxe patrimoniale, une grande incidence pour votre organisation sans but lucratif
Newsflash: One small increase of the wealth tax rate, one giant impact for your non-profit organisation
Het Vlaams Vastgoedinformatieplatform: een welgekomen oplossing voor de vastgoedwereld?
EY Law proudly sponsors JEF’s inflatable cinema project for children in deprived neighborhoods
Real estate transaction: mastering the legal and tax aspects of the acquisition of a property
Class action lawsuits and mass claims in Belgium: a step in the right direction for groups of affected individuals?
Is an accepted invoice always due and payable?
Réforme du Conseil d’Etat
Hervorming Raad van State
Newsflash: Deal reached on the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (“CS3D”)
Political agreement on the AI Act
Consumers and withdrawal right (14d) – can a consumer withdraw twice when the online contract starts with a free trial period?
The impact of the GDPR on AI
Enforceability of a termination indemnity clause when the customer backs out (B2C – B2B)? Not quite…
Can Artificial Intelligence systems claim authorship under copyright law?
Foreign subsidies regulation fully operational as of 12 October 2023: New notification obligations impacting M&A and public procurement processes.
Enkele administratieve aanpassingen aan de regelgeving overheidsopdrachten
Non-EU investments screening in Belgium as of 1 July 2023
Should the selling price for consumer products include the deposit for returnable containers and/or should the deposit be mentioned separately?
Artificial intelligence and (product) liability
New rules in the B2C context
The current proposal of the AI-act summarized
Behoort de uitkering van beschikbaar gemaakte uitgiftepremies tot de belastbare grondslag van de vennootschap?
Augmentation substantielle des intérêts moratoires en cas de retard de paiement dans le cadre des marché publics.
Aanzienlijke verhoging van de verwijlintresten bij laattijdige betaling van overheidsopdrachten
AI and ethics – is the EU fulfilling its own ambitions?
One law to rule them all? The Belgian Exclusive Distribution Act: no longer an overriding mandatory Act overruling the law chosen by the parties
AI and ethics – ethical challenges connected to AI
Nieuwe meldingsplicht m.b.t. uw onroerend goed in Frankrijk
Qualification as a commercial agent for the sale of software/applications/NFT’s/etc.? Beware of the consequences…
Artificial intelligence: an introduction to our series of blogposts
New regulatory framework for crypto assets
The Non-profit & Trade Associations Team and the Commercial, Corporate and M&A Team ranked top tier by The Legal 500!
The Digital Markets Act: Far-reaching obligations for Big Tech companies, far-reaching opportunities for online companies.
The Digital Services Act: a new comprehensive rulebook with far-reaching consequences for online services/service providers from 17 February 2023 onwards.
Legal implications of AI Chatbots
EU Directive on cross-border conversions
EU Directive on cross-border conversions
Gesplitste aankoop van een onroerend goed: wat met een vervreemding achteraf?
Employment Law Newsletter
Tijdelijke voorschotten voor opdrachtnemers bij overheidsopdrachten
Avances temporaires aux adjudicataires dans les marchés publics.
Is a franchise agreement subject to the mandatory Belgian Distributions Act, with a strict and complex calculation of an (extensive) notice periods and additional indemnities?
Belgian government approves draft law for cross-border conversions, mergers and (partial) de-mergers
Prohibition of unfair terms from the 1st of January 2023, Book V of the new Belgian Civil Code
Invloed van het nieuw verbintenissenrecht op schenkingsaktes en huwelijksovereenkomsten
The codification of the doctrine of hardship in the Belgian civil law
Two new ways of terminating your contract, Book V of the new Belgian Civil Code
As of 23 November 2022, an asbestos certificate is mandatory when transferring real estate constructed before 2001 in Flanders.
Entity Governance and Compliance 2.0
VAT treatment of your membership fees: Individual decision of the VAT authorities is possible
New legislation will impact contractual relationships as from 1 January 2023
Hacking and invoice fraud: the importance of robust internal (payment) policies!
Vlabel: splitsing na schenking doet gunstregime familiale vennootschappen niet verloren gaan
Mandatory pre-contractual documentation in Software/App agreements
EY Law welcomes new joiners!
EY Law welcomes David Du Pont as partner in M&A
Pieter-Jan Aerts joins EY Law as Counsel in the Commercial Law Department
Fair & Congress ASBLIssimo: The Non-Profit & Trade Associations team will be there!
Key aspects of the EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM)
Audit for Associations: All that you need to know
The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (“CSRD”)
SFDR: The ‘comply or explain’ Regulation
Bringing the S in ESG
The Non-Financial Reporting Directive 2014/95/EU with respect to non-financial reporting and diversity (“NFRD”)
Web analytics tools: according to the French DPA, the use of a proxy server could be a solution to what it considers as unlawful data transfer to the US.
New Labour Deal
Amendment of the companies and associations Code: will Belgium introduce a balance of greenhouse gas emissions in the annual reports?
Marchés publics et hausses extrêmes des prix : la Chancellerie du Premier Ministre formule une série de recommandations à l’intention des adjudicateurs
Overheidsopdrachten en extreme prijsstijgingen: de Kanselarij van de Eerste Minister formuleert een reeks aanbevelingen voor aanbesteders
Whose general terms and conditions prevail? Introduction of the knock-out rule in Belgium
Overheidsopdrachten en concessies: verplichte elektronische facturering
Marchés publics et concessions: facturation électronique obligatoire
Next FAIB lunch-debate: VAT – A few good habits for Non-Profit Organizations
EY Law Partner of the European Association Summit 2022!
Barbara François (Executive Director) and Marie-Emilie Truyens (Senior Attorney) have recently joined EY Law
Registratie van roerende schenking kan voortaan online
The modernisation of contractual obligations
Benjamin Defise joins EY Law Belgium as Senior Associate
Vergoedingsregels tussen echtgenoten: Hof van Cassatie verduidelijkt wanneer er sprake is van ‘onomkeerbare vermenging’ van eigen met gemeenschappelijke gelden
The Commercial, Corporate and M&A practice ranked by The Legal 500!
Non-profit & trade associations’ team ranked top tier!
The European Commission and the United States agreed to a new data sharing pact
Overheidsopdrachten – Het opleggen van verplichte voorwaarden: een tweesnijdend zwaard
Neem deel aan de grote barometer van het bestuur van (I)VZW’s!
Participez au grand baromètre de la gouvernance des A(I)SBL !
New registration requirements for certain cryptocurrency related services as of 1 May 2022
La chambre de conciliation: le rôle du juge en tant que conciliateur
Verzoeningskamer Hof van Beroep: de rechter als bemiddelaar
Making Europe Great Again or How the Data Act is a key cornerstone to make the EU a leader of the Digital age.
Uitsluiting van deelname aan overheidsopdrachten: ook mogelijk bij twijfels over integriteit
Belgian legislator imposes stricter payment terms in commercial transactions as of 1 February 2022
Change of power ahead for the Belgian Data Protection Authority?
Belastingreglement van Knokke-Heist voor tweede verblijfstaks ongrondwettig verklaard door het Hof van Beroep te Gent
Virginie Ciers joins EY Law as Associate Partner
Vrijstelling met of zonder progressievoorbehoud voor in België afzonderlijk belastbare inkomsten: oplossing in zicht?
My organization already has a whistleblowing tool. Do I need to take action?
How do I ensure confidentiality of the whistleblower under the Whistleblowing Directive?
Whistleblowing Directive to be transposed by the end of this week. Should you take action even if Belgium misses the deadline?
Reminder to update your UBO registration – Thousands of non-profit associations fined
New campaign urges Internet users and companies to take action against phishers
Signing of a new treaty for the avoidance of double taxation by Belgium and France
Vlaanderen hertekent het verkooprecht: nieuwe tarieven registratiebelasting bij de aankoop van onroerende goederen
M&A practice head Tom Swinnen is rated ‘highly regarded’ by the leading legal directory IFLR1000.
Competition law compliance for non-profit organisations: Cheating or competing?
Ready for the LEG Webinars this autumn?
EY Law assists with the merger between ERA Immo Noord and ERA Housing
L’avocat fiscaliste de renom Bruno Cardoen a rejoint EY Law
Fiscaal topadvocaat Bruno Cardoen maakte de overstap naar EY Law
Data protection alert: Updated standard contractual clauses
Data protection alert: just in time: European Commission adopts adequacy decisions for the UK
2021 EY Law survey results | #3 : How can you evolve entity management into effective governance?
How to prepare for – and deal with – an inspection by the Data Protection Authority?
Openbare databank voor Belgische rechtspraak: een stand van zaken
Corporate and Commercial Law global update 2021
Competition law compliance for Associations & Foundations
The General Counsel Imperative: How does contracting complexity hide clear profitability? | EY – Global
Workforce transformation and restructuring in 2021
M&A fundamentals : Wegwijs in de juridische documentatie bij een overnametransactie
Participate in the first survey on associations’ governance!
Caiman tax & distributions by foreign trusts: a welcome decision by the Belgian Constitutional Court
The Legal 500 EMEA 2021: EY Law Belgium ranked for Not-For-Profit in Belgium
French dividends paid to Belgian residents & the Belgian Court of Cassation’s caselaw: third time’s a charm?
De zoektocht naar het gepaste instrument om afspraken te formaliseren: aandeelhoudersovereenkomsten versus statuten
Belgian government introduces new rules to facilitate judicial reorganisations
EY Law begeleidt financieringsronde van 6 miljoen euro van Gentse Start-up Beerselect
VIRTUELE ALGEMENE VERGADERING – Hoe de recente wetswijzigingen toe te passen en hier voordeel uit te halen? / ASSEMBLÉE GÉNÉRALE VIRTUELLE – Comment appliquer et bénéficier des récents changements législatifs ?
FAIB WEBINAR: GENERAL ASSEMBLY 2.0 – How to apply and benefit from the recent legal updates?
New reporting obligation for Belgian residents with real estate abroad
BREXIT: UK charities and non-profit organisations – How to be present in Belgium?
2021 Roadmap to Virtual General Meetings of Associations – Webinar on January 14, 2021 at 11 am CET
Nieuwe mogelijkheden tot digitale en schriftelijke besluitvorming in de algemene vergadering
Nouvelles possibilités pour les prises de décisions à distance et écrites lors des assemblées générales
New possibilities for digital and written decision-making in the general meeting
Virtual & written general assemblies in (International) Non-Profit Associations
Verdere uitholling van het bankgeheim: de fiscus mag het saldo van uw bankrekeningen raadplegen
EY Global Commercial Terms Handbook
Nieuwe mogelijkheden tot digitale en schriftelijke besluitvorming in de algemene vergadering
Formulier bijzondere liquidatiereserve vergeten toevoegen aan de aangifte in de vennootschapsbelasting? De fiscus knijpt een oogje dicht!
Brexit – AI legal scan
Reference rate reform: are you ready? A new era of benchmark rates.
Enregistrement UBO: Le nouvel AR introduit de nouvelles obligations.
UBO registration: new RD introduces new obligations.
UBO registratie; nieuw KB breidt de verplichtingen uit.
New unlawful contract terms in B2B contracts as from the 1st of December 2020
New issues and rules of social law in a COVID-19 context
La réserve spéciale de liquidation constituée par les PME pour les exercices fiscaux 2012-2014 visée par l’administration fiscale : ne restez pas sans réaction !
Bijzondere liquidatiereserve door kmo’s aangelegd voor aj. 2012-2014 geviseerd door de fiscale Administratie: blijf niet stilzitten!
Personal liability of directors for antitrust infringements – is there a limit?
M&A update: EY Law assists Van Mossel Automotive Groep with its largest acquisition ever and the biggest dealership acquisition in the Benelux since 2017
EY Law promotes Tom Swinnen to Associate Partner and Lindsey Clare to Director
Het nieuwe WVV en de overdracht van aandelen
IFLR1000 recommends EY Law Belgium for M&A. Practice head Tom Swinnen is rated as ‘highly regarded’.
Commentary on the Directive on cross-border mergers, divisions and conversions
EY Global Law report
Action required: Schrems II Case invalidates EU-U.S. Privacy Shield Framework
Overview of some striking sanctions imposed by Data Protection Authorities in recent times – EY Law, June 2020
Antitrust M&A: 4 to 3 mergers might be back on the strategic table
The sharing economy: legal fragmentation might lead to harmonization of the law
EU State Aid – An overlooked element of transaction strategy
Embracing the digital age to overcome the challenges of COVID-19
PMV Corona-lening: Vlaamse ondernemers kunnen steun aanvragen vóór 15 november 2020
Webinar: Competition in India and Abroad
New Royal Decree extending the validity of the various provisions on corporations and associations in the context of the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic until June 30, 2020
Force Majeure Country-by-Country Tracker online
Tijdelijk moratorium ter bescherming van ondernemingen getroffen door COVID-19
COVID-19: State Aid as Part of Your Financial Solution – The Questions to Ask
EY Law Belgium recommended for Commercial, Corporate and M&A by Legal 500 EMEA 2020
Naar moratorium op faillissementen
A moratorium on bankruptcies
Nouvel Arrêté Royal contenant diverses dispositions sur les sociétés et associations dans le cadre de la lutte contre la pandémie de Covid-19
General Assembly And Board Of Directors Meeting And Covid19 Pandemic – The Belgian Government Takes Measures Offering Non-Profit Organisations Solutions
New Royal Decree containing various provisions on corporations and associations in the context of the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic
Nieuw Koninklijk Besluit met betrekking tot het vennootschaps- en verenigingsrecht in het kader van de strijd tegen de Covid-19 pandemie
Does COVID-19 allow parties to pull back from closing a signed deal?
How to run a virtual General Meeting? – Webinar on April 9, 2020 at 9am CET
Verhoogde risico’s op bestuurdersaansprakelijkheid ingevolge COVID-19
Increased risks of directors’ liability due to COVID-19
CORONA CRISIS: The potential impact of the corona crisis on dividend policies
EU Competition Rules: Covid-19 Crisis Response
Is my earn-out compromised by Covid-19?
Can I protect my company against creditors in case the continuity of my company is threatened as a result of COVID-19?
Kan ik mijn onderneming beschermen tegen schuldeisers als haar continuïteit in het gedrang komt door COVID19?
CORONA CRISIS: Remote execution of documents : when extreme circumstances ask for practical solutions
Managing the impact of COVID19 on associations – Webinar on March 26, 2020 at 9am CET.
Managing the impact of COVID19 on associations
Invitation EY Law multidisciplinary webinar: Answering all your legal questions in relation the Covid-19 crisis
EU State Aid rules: Covid-19 Crisis Response
COVID-19: Update 22 maart 2020 : De door de Nationale Arbeidsraad afgesloten CAO nr 147 laat alle Belgische bedrijven toe om mogelijks tijdelijke werkloosheid voor bedienden te introduceren
COVID-19: Update 22 mars 2020: Le Conseil National du Travail a conclu la CCT n° 147 étendant à toute les sociétés belges la possibilité d’introduire le chômage temporaire pour les employés
COVID-19: Update 22 March 2020: The National Labor Council concludes CBA nr 147 to extend the possibility to introduce temporary unemployment for white collar workers to all Belgian companies
Corona virus (Covid-19) De belangrijkste arbeidsrechtelijke problemen in België (update 20/3/2020)
Covid-19: Public procurement: how to organise urgent public purchases?
Coronavirus (Covid-19): questions pressantes en droit du travail belge (update 20/3/2020)
Coronavirus (Covid-19) – Is your business protected through force majeure?
Finance Monthly, dealmaker of the year 2020 – award to Kiran Desai
Coronavirus (Covid-19) – What organisations must now urgently consider with regard to data protection
The use of a MAC-clause in M&A-practice
COVID-19 – EY Law uses Artificial Intelligence to speed up urgent contract reviews
Chemicals Industry: Competition Rules and State aid: Key EU Developments
Corona virus (Covid-19) – The most important labor law issues in Belgium (update 20 March 2020)
EY Law Tax Controversy Alert: Annulation de la taxe sur les comptes-titres: Quoi faire après cet arrêt?
EY Law Tax Controversy Alert: Taks op Effectenrekeningen: wat na het vernietigingsarrest?
A Major Strategy Initiative – EU Data – Competition & Industrial Policy
WVV – een greep uit de nieuwe dwingende bepalingen
WVV – mogelijke opportuniteiten
EY Law assisted CWS with the acquisition of the cleanroom laundry business from STAXS
EY Law assisted shareholders of Decoline with sale to Renardmont
From the real seat theory to the statutory seat theory: important implications for your company
EU General Court: Case Note: Eco-Bat Technologies Ltd and Others v European Commission
EY Law Belgium recommended by IFLR1000 as ‘highly regarded’ for M&A
SOCIAL ELECTIONS 2020: Are you prepared for the countdown and aware of the “occult period”?
EU General Court: Case Note: Groupe Canal + v European Commission
Case Note*: EU Competition Law: The Court of Justice of the European Union
Law firm EY Law expands to respond better to the growing demand for technology and innovation
Advocatenkantoor EY Law breidt uit om in te spelen op toenemende vraag naar technologie en innovatie
Le cabinet d’avocats EY Law s’agrandit afin de répondre à la demande croissante de technologie et d’innovation
Global Labor and Employment Law strategic topics
EY Law Belgium embraces Artificial Intelligence (AI) for legal document review
Reimbursement of undue wages: What to expect?
FAQ UBO-register update – uitzondering 100% dochtervennootschappen van beursgenoteerde bedrijven
Conditions Precedent: Necessary Deal Breakers
Investing to create market dominance – is this a competition issue?
EY Law acts in relation to appealing EU Commission State aid decision
EU Court of Justice: Case Note: Eco-Bat Technologies Ltd AG v European Commission
De nieuwe bestuursvormen in naamloze vennootschappen: is uw vennootschap bestuursklaar?
Het elektronisch aandelenregister: wat zijn de voordelen en waar moet u op letten in het kader van privacy?
Dividend in BV. Alle Opties
WVV – Impact op de oneigenlijke CV
De correcte manier van vergaderen onder het nieuwe WVV in de BV en NV: de principes
Het UBO-register en successieplanning: enkele aandachtspunten
Social security treatment of benefits granted by a third-party: recent case law!
FAQ UBO-register geüpdatet: de voornaamste wijzigingen
De introductie van de dubbele uitkeringstest: een rem op de flexibiliteit?
Een BV oprichten zonder ‘startkapitaal’: vangt de vennootschap werkelijk zonder cent vermogen aan?
Flexibiliteit in de BV
Inwerkingtreding van het nieuwe Wetboek van Vennootschappen en Verenigingen
Power & Utilities Sector – EU Regulatory Law developments – Digital challenges foreseen
Het ontslag van bestuurders onder het WVV
Prohibition on the use of management companies for remunerated government directors
Exceptional weather conditions and occasional telework
Le nouveau Code des Sociétés et des Associations impacte la collaboration entre administrations locales et agences autonomisées communales (AAC)
Nieuw Wetboek Vennootschappen en Verenigingen impacteert samenwerking lokale besturen met EVA’s
EU Court of Justice: Case Note: Infineon Technologies AG v European Commission
What is working time?
Schriftelijke bestuursvergaderingen onder het nieuwe Wetboek van Vennootschappen en Verenigingen: unanimiteit onder de bestuurders?
Goedkeuring van het nieuwe Belgische Wetboek van Vennootschappen en Verenigingen
PROFIT PREMIUM, what’s in it for you?
EU Court of Justice: Case Note: Agria Polsk sp. z o.o. and Others v European Commission
EU Court of Justice: Case Note: Deutsche Bahn and Others v Commission
EU Court of Justice: Case Note: MEO – Serviços de Comuniçações e Multimédia SA v Autoridade da Concorrência
The European Parliament votes in favour of a new Copyright Directive
EU Commission to review rules of distribution
Foreign direct investment will in future be screened in the EU
Paper board meetings under the new Companies Code: are we all on the same page?
Private Client Services Newsletter January/ February 2019
Approval of the new Belgian Code on Companies and Associations
EU Court of Justice: Case Note: Apple Sales International and Others MJA
‘Licht uw contracten door vóór 29 maart’
“Passez vos contrats au crible avant le 29 mars”
New Ghent office
IMPORTANT UBO UPDATE: extension of the registration deadline.
U bent GDPR compliant. En nu?
Competition law implications for Technology Media and Telecommunications
Private Client Services Newsletter November/ December 2018
HVG becomes EY Law
EY Law assists the shareholders of De Boer in the sale to SOPREMA group
EY Law assists Van Mossel Automotive Group on the acquisition of Gman & Group Bruyninx
Private Client Services Newsletter October 2018
The mandatory registration of the partnership in the CBE as from 1 November 2018
EY Law advises Vue International on the acquisition of leading German cinema group Cinestar
Private Client Services Newsletter September 2018
Fairness Tax: welcome (and remarkable) clarifications further to annulment
EY Law Welcomes Jan Decorte
De impact van LegalTech op het M&A-proces
Corporate and Commercial Law — global update
Workforce Restructuring – Global LEL Strategic Topics
EY Law advises Vue International on the acquisition of Polish cinema chain Cinema3D
EY Law assists MAES Energy & Mobility on the acquisition of Octa NV
Technology sectors: addressing legal complexities in corporate alliances
Private Client Services Newsletter Juni 2018
EY Law is opening a new office in Antwerp
PSD2 – new age in the payment services
Notice periods during the first six months of employment
The Corporate reform brings independents, associations and companies under the same umbrella of “Enterprise” that may go bankrupt
A New Mindset on Insolvency : The New Belgian Insolvency Act
The special tax assessment in case of insufficient manager salary
Electronic signature of employment contracts and archiving
Blockchain and competition law
EY Law recommended in Legal 500 EMEA 2018
Private Client Services Newsletter April 2018
New cybersecurity obligations for operators of essential services and digital service providers
GDPR Newsflash
Fairness tax annulled by the Belgian Constitutional Court, but limitation on reclaim of unduly paid tax
BREXIT and M&A Transactions
Brexit and Intellectual Property
Brexit and Long-Term Commercial Contracts
Financial Services Mobility and Relocation – Law Brexit brief
Interest for late payment and moratorium interest: adjusted to the market?
EY Law assists Eurofins group on the acquisition of Labo Van Poucke
Private Client Services newsletter January 2018
Webcast seminar inheritance
EY Law assists Cras on the acquisition of Vanderheyden Bois
EU Regulatory Law: the ‘bird’s eye’ view
Brexit and Life Sciences ― the perfect storm
Tom Swinnen co-authors the second edition of the annotated companies’ code “Duiding Vennootschappen”
Taking security over movable assets has never been so easy
Private Client Services newsletter December 2017
Adjustments further to tax audit: cash-out becomes inevitable
An International English-speaking commercial court in Brussels: the Brussels International Business Court (BIBC)
Private Client Services newsletter November 2017
Nowhere to hide: the register of ultimate beneficial owners – Recent developments
UBO-register & the tax administration: (un)limited access?
Join our team and meet us at the job fair!
A breeze of fresh air for Tax Dispute Resolution
Co-operative compliance: a paradigm shift in the Belgian tax landscape
EY Law Welcomes Herman and Giovanni
EY Law Welcomes Marie-Hélène
EY Law welcomes a new EU Competition Law team
The evolution in self-driving vehicles: Trends and implications for the insurance industry
Belgian Federal Government announces major corporate tax reform
Connected cars: Navigating the competition law implications
R&D intensive industries: the new Merger Control challenge in the EU
Newsletter Corporate Law
EY Law Welcomes Tom Swinnen
International requests for information subject to (limited) judicial review
Fairness Tax violates EU Law
Nowhere to hide: the register of ultimate beneficial owners
The Revised Shareholders’ Rights Directive
New Innovation Deduction: be aware for the tax audit pitfalls
Benefit in kind for free housing
Posting of workers to Belgium: some employment law issues
Contingent Workforce in Belgium
De nieuwe fiscale regularisatie in werking vanaf 1 augustus 2016
Bezwaarschrift kan nu ook geldig worden ingediend bij controle- en ontvangkantoor
Dispute resolution: General Rules
Newsletter Corporate Law
Lindsey Clare in New York 2015
Prevention of STRESS and BURN-OUT: Belgium leads the way